CREDITS  ( in no particular order )

1) Engine: ID Software for conceiving and then releasing the Doom/Doom2 code.

2) Special thanks to James Bunting for providing his server to store the Risen3D files.

3) Lee Killough for MBF (the extended DOOM engine design and concept) which triggered R3D.
http://classicgaming.com/doom/  ( Historic - site no longer active )

4) Jaakko Keränen for his inimitable (definitive) port without which I would never have dreamt of doing R3D. Note: although based on Doomsday Risen3D does not support the XG extensions which remain solely a feature of Doomsday. Risen3D also neither runs, nor is intended to run, Heretic/Hexen. Doomsday (jHeretic, jHexen) should be used to run these. http://dengine.net/

5) DRDTeam for hosting the Risen3D website.

6) Sitters for creating many stunning models, skyboxes and maps using the latest Risen3D extended model support and slopetypes.

7) Randy Heit for ideas culled from ZDOOM (e.g. waterdynamics, using ANIMDEFS lump, deh code).

8) All those responsible for BOOM. Useful refinements have been culled from the prboom-2.2.2-win32 source.
http://www.teamtnt.com/  (tntrecl.wad available here).

9) Node gen: Andrew Apted for glbsp.exe V2.05 without which this port would not have been possible.

10) All those at Firelight Technologies, Pty, Ltd for producing the excellent licence free music & sound effects system FMOD.

11) Silicon Graphics International for the license free release into the public domain of the OpenGL specification.

12) Editor: SB Software for their excellent editor DeepSea.

13) In the R3Ddemo184_06.wad the map (the tank and the dome) was inspired by a map by Nigel Rowand (Enjay) whom, in turn, was inspired by a ZDOOM map which was part of Rex Claussen's Darkest hour project. Thanks go to Jack Vermeulen of SBsoftware for pointing me in the direction of these maps. The tunnels linking the tanks and dome and the dome idea were copied from Enjay's map - so credit is acknowledged for this.

ReX's Site http://telluros.50megs.com/index.html

Enjay's Dehacked Tutorial Site http://www.zen64060.zen.co.uk/dehacked/index.html

14) Initially the code, ded file and textures for the zen particles were released by Lees.
So credit goes to Lees for the idea, textures and ded definitions. The code was amended slightly by Jaakko Keränen for greater compatibility and this has been used in Risen3D.

15) Hawkwind for spending countless hours extensively testing revisions and for suggesting the addition of further compatibility.

16) Drfrag for testing various aspects. Look out for his new project.

17) Models: Cheb, webmaster of Cheb’s Modelyard , for his indefatigable drive to promote the original models.

18) Editor: Doombuilder used for Risen3D custom map creation.  http://www.doombuilder.com/

19) Prophet for providing the THD files ( model positioning ) for the Iwads and Master levels.

LINKS to GAMES  (or just Google name.zip)

http://www.teamtnt.com/ (tntrecl.wad available here).

Sites (where can also get 10sector.wad, 10secto2.wad, batman.wad, cchest2.wad etc.)



started out with the idea of making Doomsday MBF/BOOM compliant (Marine's Best Friend developed by Lee Killough and BOOM by TeamTNT). This first iteration went through several revisions and was called Boomsday. As the number of changes grew it became clear that trying to keep Boomsday directly in step with Doomsday was becoming ever more time-consuming. On taking stock I decided to take Boomsday off in its own direction and Risen3D is the result. It continues and will always continue to owe a great debt to Doomsday for the base code and the many innovations and solutions (the OpenGL code, sound code, dyna-lights etc. etc.) inherited from the Doomsday engine code. Risen3D, therefore, should be seen as a modification of Doomsday and an extension to jDoom.

Since Risen3D is based on the Doomsday V1.7.8 engine it also is compliant with the ded files and models used with Doomsday v1.7.8.

The key to success, however, is not in the MBF/BOOM extensions per se (since adding these is trivial) but in making the nodes build and OGL engine compliant with maps that are just not designed for this requirement. In order to achieve this Risen3D embodies its own analyser that attempts to determine, prior to running a map, how it should be rendered. This allows emulation of the techniques used by the doom software renderer for use with OpenGL. Where this process takes longer than two seconds the result is stored to an intermediate file that will be used when a map is next loaded to speed the loading time up.

Risen3D also incorporates a new way of adding 3D structures (hence the 3D in the name). Examples are contained in the demo map . The main idea was to make it simple to add bridges without all the complication of hidden platforms. This also means actors can walk above and below simultaneously (previously this was not possible due to DOOM's 2D nature). This also means that missiles can be fired both under and over 3D lines which, up to now, has not been possible with standard doom lines. The method used is unique and, unlike Hexen, does not require bridge 'Things'. This means they can be added using a DOOM editor. A static 3D line can be relied on to occlude and properly support actors and any 'wall' rendered to properly block missiles. Walls with textures having alpha pixels where used as a mid texture (fences for example) will block missiles but not bullets.

Ladders have also been added to dramatically simplify their inclusion. All that's needed is a single line rather than umpteen sectors. Ladders offset from the ground also allow players to jump up to get on them whilst still allowing a player to walk under them.

Examples of the above are contained in the demo wad.

The demo map also includes some ideas that go beyond just bridge building. This should be regarded as experimental as authoring 3D structures with 2D editors can be somewhat tedious. The lift in the demo wad is a good example as it looks simple when viewed in plan in an editor until trying to separate all the stacked lines. In addition horizontal planes do not always fully occlude and actor movement may fail on complex moving structures. Viewing 3D maps in development has been made easier, however, by the addition of a 'fly' command. To invoke this use the 'fly' command to toggle the function in the console. The Quake fly method is used - just point and move.

Latterly slopes and active model scripting has been added.

GMJ June 2006

Minor revision June 2007