Readme files
Frequently Asked Questions
Sound issues with Microsoft Windows
Relationship between Doomsday and Risen3D
Risen3D credits
Risen3D and speed issues
Source readme
Links of interest
Sitters Models and Graphics
James Bunting's Site
I.D Software
Doomsday HQ
DRD Team for hosting the Risen3D website
Graham Jackson for Risen3D
James Bunting for providing space on his server for the Risen3D files
Willem Sitters for his excellent models and map contributions
Jaakko Keranen for the Doomsday engine
I.D Software for making all this possible
Lee Killough for MBF
and all those responsible for BOOM
Randy Heit for ideas used from ZDOOM
DaniJ for providing
of the models used with the Risen3D standard models pack
Cheb for his great initial model work and help
Contributors to the Doom2 Retexturing Project
Hawkwind for his excellent beta testing
for his excellent beta testing
and suggestions
To all the authors of the patches and textures on the downloads page
Chilvence for his excellent models and textures
Skitso for his great art work especially the new sky textures
J-War for his professional Doom2 soundtrack packed for use with Risen3D
Lorcan for allowing his stunning TNT mix to be repacked for use with Risen3D
Ransu for his new improved Doom and Doom2 soundtrack packed for use with Risen3D
Sycraft for his hot mastered Doom and Doom2 soundtrack packed for use with Risen3D
Prophet for providing the THD files ( model positioning ) for the Iwads and Master Levels
Clint Cassell for his excellent skin contributions